Centac Oil Free Training School

Centac Training Course


This training is intended for a technician who already has a good background in maintenance of rotating machinery, it is broken into two distinct components. The classroom component is designed to give the trainee an insight into Centac compressor design explaining the different components used and their function.

The second part is completely hands on and involves the strip down and re assembly of a CV1 compressor under workshop conditions, this is intended to familiarise the student with the techniques necessary to safely complete an overhaul and re commissioning of a Centac compressor.

Objectives level one training

  • Identification of Centac machine parts and their function
  • Description of Centac models and history to enable trainees to understand the evolution of the Centac family
  • Strip down of Centac CV1 machine Hands On to give the trainees a better understanding of the mechanical principals of the machine and the design of different components.
  • Rebuild of CV1 machine including setup of clearances and functions to enable successful start-up of the machine
  • Introduction to CMC control to give a good grounding in the basic control system


    Day 1

    Introduction and share of background, Experience and Expectations from this training, Presentations of Centac models and parts description to include discussion, Tear down of CV1 Machine

    Day 2

    Tear down of machine and start of rebuild

    Day 3

    Rebuild of machine and controls history plus CMC basic understanding

Centac Level Two Training - Three day

This training is recommended to a technician who has a good background in engineering and understands the basics of Centac compressors, it is designed to give an understanding of the basic principals of compression and specifically the dynamic compression relevant to Centac compressors, this should give the technician a good understanding to help advanced troubleshooting and diagnosis of operating faults, we also look deeper into the philosophy of Centac control and the CMC micro controller.


  • Understanding of the fundamentals of compression
  • Learning the principals of dynamic compression as used in Centac compressors
  • In depth study of controls methodology as applied to centrifugal compressors and understanding the problems which can arise from incorrect control.
  • Basic vibration monitoring and why this is important to protect the centrifugal machine
  • CMC control deeper understanding of what it is doing
  • Basic trouble shooting


    Day 1

    Introduction and share of background, Experience and Expectations from this training, Fundamentals of compression, Introduction to principals of dynamic compression

    Day 2

    Centac Design, In Depth study of controls Methodology, Basic Vibration measurement

    Day 3

    CMC ControlBasic, trouble shooting

For more information and prices for course on or two please use either the form below or email us here click now  and we will be back in touch with you very soon. 


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